
Specifically tailored services

Green Triangle Finance & Leasing Hamilton evolved to provide the business and private sectors with an independent source of finance.

Specifically tailored towards motor vehicle and Plant & Equipment acquisition, for both new and used, commercial and consumer, from licenced dealers to private sales.

We commenced operating in 2013 under the Platform Finance Banner and the business is a joint partnership between Ashley and Gayle. We have access to over 30 major Financial institutions, some with exclusive agency. This direct access enables us to quickly locate the most favourable terms and conditions available for all our Clients’ general financing needs.

We are based in Hamilton in the western district of Victoria, however, we have Clients located throughout Australia.

We are committed to provide prompt, informed and responsible solutions to each Clients’ needs.

Chattel Mortgage

Chattel Mortgage is generally the finance option of choice. Please refer to your Accountant to confirm it is the right choice for you.

Chattel Mortgage gives you ownership of the goods. You can then claim the GST on the initial purchase (for the percentage of business use) and then claim depreciation and interest on the loan.

You can choose to have a balloon payment or not. Payments can be structured to fit in with your cash flow.


This option does suit some, however the Residual Values are very tightly controlled by the ATO.

Should you chose a Lease, you would claim the GST on the monthly rentals rather than on the purchase of the equipment. Ownership rests with the Financier and they will generally offer to sell you the equipment at the end of the Lease term for the Residual Value plus GST. You are able to claim the net rental as an expense.

Insurance Premium Funding

Depending on the size of your yearly Insurance premium, this can alleviate problems with cash flow by arranging to have a monthly payment.

Workers compensation can also be funded this way. The Financier does not require additional security to fund your Insurance premiums.

Novated Lease

This product is often offered by Employers. It needs to be discussed with an Accountant or your Payroll Department to decide if there is any benefit to you as there are FBT implications.

Basically the Lease payments are made by Your Employer from your pre-tax Income. It can be a good option if you have access to Salary Sacrificing as the FBT implications are different.

Private Sale Information

When you purchase goods from a recognized LMCT or registered dealer you are guaranteed clear title of the goods. With all equipment finance loans, the goods are the primary security.

Clear title is NOT guaranteed with private sales of non licenced vendors.

The Personal Properties Securities Register (PPSR) provides a record of all motor vehicles and equipment currently under finance or encumbered.

It is extremely important when purchasing privately that the Vendor is able to prove that the goods are owned by them and are clear to be sold.

There are various documents that can be provided by the Vendor to enable us to check that the goods will have clear title.

We are private sale specialists and will do everything possible to ensure that your right as a purchaser are protected.

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